Information and FAQ Before setting up your backup profile, please read our example on version management and storage volume. Important to know: System requirements: FAQ
Reset Recover to new computer Start by downloading the application from our download page and installing it on the computer you want to recover...
Features Simple, uncluttered and powerful Storegate Pro Backup provides a workspace where you can see everything. In this space, all windows are...
Installation To use the software, you need a Backup Pro for Business account with Storegate. If you don't have an account already, you can...
Log via e-mail Example of e-mail log Here is an example of how to have the logs from the program sent to you,...
Plugins MS SQL Server Database Backup The SQL Server plugin allows you to backup and restore databases from local Microsoft SQL server. Click the Update button to retrieve the list of databases. You have to fill in server parameters before this, because the program has to connect to the database server for...
Profile management Profile name The name you give the profile will also be the name of the folders on the storage surface. Destination At this step you can specify...